Thursday 2 October 2014

Intrauterine devices

Intrauterine devices (IUDs) just got a big seal of approval, this time from the American Academy of Pediatrics, which recently endorsed them as an excellent method to prevent teenage pregnancy. Add to that the fact that it's also the most commonly used birth control among doctors themselves, and these little devices are sounding pretty great!

While there’s a wealth of common knowledge surrounding birth control options like the Pill and condoms, IUDs are a little more mysterious. “IUDs are a great birth control alternative for many women, from teenagers to those in their 50s,” says Julie Strickland, M.D., M.P.H., professor of obstetrics and gynecology at University of Missouri-Kansas City. Here’s why:

They’re Totally Safe

Since IUDs are internal, there’s some stigma surrounding their safety. Not necessary, according to Strickland. Early IUDs were associated with complications like fertility problems and pelvic infections, but those have been off the market since the 1960s. When IUDs were reintroduced, there were some stipulations about who was eligible for them, but those have since been lifted. “In the 1980s and beyond, the World Health Organization has loosened those restrictions because we understand IUDs much better. We screen patients very closely to decrease the risk of pelvic infections caused by IUDs, and we know they don’t affect fertility after you have them removed,” says Strickland.

There’s More Than One Option

The ParaGard, also known as the copper IUD, is hormone-free. It protects women from pregnancy for a whopping ten years. Mirena releases low doses of the hormone progesterone, and lasts for five years. The newest IUD on the market is Skyla, which is also hormonal. It offers an even lower dose or hormones, is good for three years, and is smaller, which is a plus for women who feel uncomfortable with a larger IUD. “The different kinds of IUDs make it easier to find something that is really the best option for the patient,” says Strickland.

Insertion Might Hurt a Little, But It’s Manageable

Although insertion is quick, it’s still technically a minor surgical procedure. The doctor uses a speculum to find your cervix, then dilates it and passes the IUD through the cervical canal, placing it inside the uterus. Most women will experience some cramping, akin to the ones during their periods, when the IUD is placed. “We usually ask women to take something like ibuprofen beforehand. In rare cases, we can give anesthesia similar to what you get if you go to the dentist, but in general we don’t need to. It really is a doable procedure,” says Strickland. There are also meds the doctor can prescribe that will soften your cervix and ideally make it easier to dilate, but studies are mixed on whether they’re effective.

You Can Get One Even If You Haven’t Had Kids

Remember those commercials who said IUDs were perfect for moms? Yeah, they're not the only ones it's perfect for. “There’s no IUD restriction based on age or on whether you’ve had children,” says Strickland. That said, it may be an easier procedure for women who have had kids because their cervical canal has stretched before during childbirth, making it more used to the dilation required to place an IUD. “However, my specialty is adolescents and we do administer IUDs to teenagers. In most of them, if they can tolerate the vaginal exam, they can tolerate the IUD just fine,” says Strickland. Plus, that's where the smaller new IUD comes in.

They’re Completely Reversible

“The IUD is only effective when it’s inside your body,” says Strickland. The IUD is shaped like a flexible T, which helps it conform to the shape of the uterus comfortably. When necessary, those wings can collapse for quick, easy removal. As soon as it’s out, your regular hormonal cycle begins to kick in again. If you have a non-hormonal IUD, you’ll return to normal fertility in about a month.

foods for ur brain

Can your diet make you smarter?

You bet. Research shows that what you eat is one of the most powerful influences on everyday brain skills, says Cynthia Green, PhD, founder and director of the Memory Enhancement Program at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City and author of Brainpower Game Plan. Plus, the right foods may stave off Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. The key? Rounding out your meals with key nutrients that (along with exercise and daily brain games like these) keep brain cells healthy and prevent brain-damaging inflammation. “Your memory, attention span, and ability to learn will benefit from the healthful foods you choose,” says Green.

Fatty Fish
Seafood like salmon, albacore tuna, mackerel, and sardines are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, powerful and versatile nutrients that are essential for a healthy mind. About 40% of the fatty acids in brain cell membranes are DHA, one of the main omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil. Experts believe it’s probably necessary for transmitting signals between brain cells.
Researchers at Tufts University found that people who ate fish 3 times a week and had the highest levels of DHA in their blood slashed their risk of Alzheimer’s disease by 39%.

Eat it: At least twice a week (limit albacore tuna to no more than 6 ounces a week to minimize mercury exposure). Try these 7 delicious fish recipes.
Leafy Green and Cruciferous Veggies
Pile salads, stir-fries, and side dishes with broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, bok choy, and brussels sprouts. They’re filled with antioxidants like vitamin C and plant compounds called carotenoids, which are particularly powerful brain protectors.

Antioxidants prevent damage from free radicals, which are waste products your body makes when cells use fuel to create energy. Your brain is especially vulnerable to damage from free radicals because it uses a lot of fuel (it’s only about 3% of your body weight but uses up to 17% of your energy). Since your mind makes a lot of these toxic by-products, ample antioxidants help to disarm and defuse them.

While all antioxidants (from a variety of plants) are good for your brain, these cruciferous veggies are especially effective. A Harvard Medical School study of more than 13,000 women found that those who ate the most lowered their brain age by 1 to 2 years.

Eat it: Daily, as part of a well-rounded mix of other colorful veggies.
Avocado, Oils, Nuts, and Seeds
They all contain another important antioxidant: vitamin E. In one study, researchers found that people who consumed moderate amounts vitamin E—from food, not supplements—lowered their risk of AD by 67%.

Eat it: Frequently; shoot for 15 mg of E a day, the equivalent of 2 ounces of almonds.

Sweeten your brain-boosting diet with the dark kind (at least 70% cocoa); it contains flavonoids, another class of antioxidants that some research links to brain health. Other flavonoid-rich foods include apples, red and purple grapes, red wine, onions, tea, and beer.
Eat it: Frequently, as part of a healthy total calorie intake. Up to half an ounce daily has also been shown to lower blood pressure.

Go for Thai or Indian takeout; these cuisines often use the potent spice known to fight inflammation. Animal studies have shown that curry’s active ingredient, curcumin, actually clears away Alzheimer’s-causing proteins in the brain called amyloid plaques.

Eat it: As an ingredient in pasta sauces, salad dressings, or meat marinades. (Consider these tasty recipes that make Indian food easy to make.)

Research indicates these antioxidant powerhouses may protect your brain, although the mechanism isn’t fully understood. Some scientists think they help to build healthy connections between brain cells.

Eat them: Daily, added to yogurt, oatmeal, or cereal for breakfast or an afternoon snack.
Whole grains