Wednesday 13 July 2016

Put This Mixture Under Your Tongue Before You Sleep And Never Wake Up Tired

Put This Mixture Under Your Tongue Before You Sleep And Never Wake Up Tired

Numerous people are constantly complaining that they wake up exhausted and do not have the needed energy for the following day.
Unfortunately, this is not only the case of older people, but young people suffer from the same problem as well. The reason for this is the lack of sleep.
The recommended night sleep duration is 8 hours. In most cases, we sleep 6 or 7, and we believe that the difference that this one hour or two make cannot harm us. Yet, it seems that they can make a huge difference, as they significantly affect our health, and negatively.
The 8 hours that we are advised to sleep are needed by our body in order to recharge the lost energy during the day. Moreover, caffeine is far from a good way to get the energy we need! Namely, the effect of the coffee is only temporary, and when the short energy boost is gone, the situation is even worse!
Furthermore, it is also very important not to watch TV and work on the computer, at least one hour before bedtime, as it can help you fall asleep easily. This is due to the fact that if you watch TV or work late at night, your brain is fully active, and calms down only after some time, so we cannot fall asleep easily.
However, we will offer you an effective natural remedy that will solve your sleeping issues and will provide energy in the morning. This will help you be fresh and energized throughout the entire day!
What’s more, you probably already have the needed ingredients at home!
The secret ingredient that will help you in this case is the Himalayan sea salt, which has been proven to be extremely beneficial and useful in innumerate different ways!
This miraculous salt regulates the melatonin levels, which is an essential hormone for a good night sleep. Moreover, the Himalayan salt is also extremely beneficial in the fight against depression, as it influences the serotonin levels (neurotransmitter).Moreover, it also stimulates the adrenal glands’ function to combat diseases, it eliminates migraines and can provide fantastic results in the process of elimination of excess weight.
This is how to prepare the natural sleep remedy with Himalayan salt:

  • 1 tablespoon of pink Himalayan sea salt
  • 5 teaspoons of organic raw honey
In a glass jar, mix the honey with the Himalayan sea salt. At night, just before you go to sleep, put a teaspoon of it under your tongue.
This trick will undoubtedly provide the desired results: you will get o fall asleep almost instantly, and the next morning, you will wake up fresh and revitalized, full of energy!
You will fall asleep faster and you will never wake up tired again! Furthermore, the following video will explain the amazing properties of Himalayan sea salt.

Home Remedies for Premature Graying of Hair

Premature graying of hair, makes people look older than they really are. Nowadays, graying of hair is a great concern for younger adults in their 20s or 30s.
This hair issue can be caused by many factors such as:
Genetic predisposition;
Hormonal fluctuations;
Poor nutrition;
Thyroid disorders;
Chronic colds.
Graying of hair is due to low amounts of melanin, the pigment that gives the hair its color. The melanocyte activity slows down with age and the body gradually stops its production.
Instead of using chemical-laden and commercial hair colors, try some natural home remedy for your grayish strands.
Eating a nutritious diet is vital for healthy hair. Lack of certain minerals and vitamins such as iron, Vitamin B, iodine, and copper can contribute to this hair issue.
Here we present you the top 10 natural home remedies that can slow down the process of premature graying:

1.Indian Gooseberry

Amla, or Indian gooseberry, is great for a variety of hair problems including premature graying, dull hair, and hair loss.This fruit contains high amounts of antioxidants and vitamin C. Besides consuming Indian gooseberry, you can also apply ampla pulp or amla oil on your hair.
You just have to boil several dried Indian gooseberries or amla powder in a coconut oil, until they become charred.
Then, allow the oil to cool and apply it on your scalp and hair.
Leave it on overnight, or at least for an hour, before rinsing it out.
This hair treatment should be done twice a week.
Note: You can also mix an equal almond oil and Indian gooseberry juice and add some lime juice. Not only that this mixture will reduce the graying of your hair, but it will also support its healthy growth.

2.Curry Leaves

With a combination of curry leaves and coconut oil, you can increase darker pigmentation in your hair.
You need to put one tablespoon of coconut oil in a pan, and add a handful of fresh curry leaves.
Boil them until the leaves become charred. Then strain the mixture.
Massage it into your hair. Leave it on for 30 to 45 minutes before rinsing it out.
Do this treatment at least once or twice a week.


Besides henna will darken your hair, it will also condition and strengthen your lustrous locks.
You can make a paste of grinded henna leaves, 1 tablespoon of coffee powder, 3 tablespoon of Indian gooseberry powder, and a bit plain yogurt.
Spread the mixture equally on your hair. After it dries, rinse it out and then shampoo your hair as always.
Repeat the process once every 2 to 4 weeks.
You can also make a mask by mixing henna powder with hot black coffee.
Cover the bowl and let it sit for a few hours.
Spread the mask on your hair, leave it for 1-3 hours.
Wash your hair with a shampoo.

4.Lemon Juice and oconut Oil

Coconut oil is extremely beneficial for the hair’s health. It stimulates hair growth, moisturizes your hair, adds luster to it and fights against infections. When used for a prolonged time, its antioxidants will reverse your gray hair.
Combine 3 tablespoons of lemon juice in coconut oil enough for the length of your hair.
Apply the mixture to your hair and massage your scalp.
Leave it on for at least an hour before washing your hair with a shampoo.
Do this once a week.

5.Sage and Rosemary

Sage and rosemary are herbs which are very effective in naturally darkening your hair color.
Take half a cup of rosemary and half a cup of sage and boil in water for 30 minutes. Allow to cool for 2–3 hours then apply to hair and scalp.
Leave it stay for about 15-20 minutes before rinsing it out.
Do this once a week.

6.Blackstrap Molasses

Blackstrap molasses is a popular and effective home remedy to prevent and reduce the problem of gray hair. It is high in copper, which helps with the production of hair pigment.
Consuming blackstrap molasses will supply you with 14% of the daily recommended dose of copper. Moreover, it includes other trace minerals such as selenium, iron, and magnesium. For better results, you should consume a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses every morning for at least a few months.

7.Onion Juice

This juice is an excellent home remedy for premature graying and thin hair. Researchers have found that graying of the hair is mainly caused by hydrogen peroxide accumulation at the hair follicles’ bases and a decrease in a natural antioxidant compound, called catalase. Onion juice supports catalase’s production.
Massage your scalp with an onion juice.
Leave it on for about 30 minutes to an hour.
Do this hair treatment every day for a few weeks.

8.Black Tea

Black tea is very effective for treating premature greying of hair.
Boil 2 teaspoons of black tea in a cup of water. Add a teaspoon of salt and let it cool.
Wash your hair with this tea several times, and on the last time, allow it to stay for 15-20 minutes.
Finally, rinse your hair with cold water without a shampoo.
Repeat this twice a week to stay away from gray hair.


Amaranth helps hair retain its black pigment and promotes hair growth.
First, you need to wash your hair with a shampoo.
Then apply fresh juice extracted from leaves of amaranth on your scalp and hair.
Rinse your hair with clean water.

10.Blac Sesame Seeds

Traditional Chinese medicine considers black sesame seeds as highly effective in eliminating the issue of premature graying of hair. They supposedly support melanocyte activity which produce melanin.
Black sesame seeds are rich in iron, magnesium, protein, copper, and phosphorus. You just have to eat a teaspoon of these seeds every day in the period of minimum 3 months. Your hair, also will be thankful if you apply some sesame oil on it.
Follow these home remedies regularly for a few weeks or sometimes even months to see noticeable results. After all, patience is a virtue!



Losing weight can certainly be a struggle. With all of the different diets, drinks, pills and powders on the market claiming to be the best weight loss solution, figuring out where to start can be challenging.

Dr. Sara Gottfried, a Harvard-trained MD and best-selling author, has decided to share her secrets for weight loss and better overall health through the establishment of a balance of hormones. She’s created a course titled “How to Balance Your Hormones For Glowing Skin, Deeper Sleep & Better Digestion.” Excess weight gain creates inflammation and oxidative stress in the body, promoting even more fat storage. This creates a vicious cycle of hormonal imbalance, symptoms and disease that can greatly affect your health. According to Gottfried, the key to improving your health and losing weight is to reverse hormonal misfires, which in turn can help you control cravings and lessen the storage of fat in the body — especially belly fat.
Gottfried stresses that not all calories are the same. Calories from some foods make you store belly fat, while other foods make you keep muscle and burn fat, so the ten key strategies she suggests mainly involve food. She explains that reducing your belly fat involves resetting the belly fat hormones — insulin, leptin, cortisol, growth hormone and adiponectin.

Here are her ten key strategies!

1. Eat Purslane

Purslane offers the richest source of omega-3’s and melatonin that you can obtain from a green vegetable. Its nutrient density strengthens synapses, the connections in the brain, to enhance memory and learning. Omega-3 fatty acids are believed to reverse the harmful changes to belly fat produced by fructose, so Gottfried suggests adding purslane to your salads.

2. Practice HIIT

High-intensity interval training (HIIT), is known to help reduce body fat. It involves exercising at a high intensity for 30-75 seconds, separated by 2-3 minutes of exercising at a lower intensity. These bursts of high intensity training allow for far more fat loss than steady cardio.

3. Eat Protein

Undereating protein and overeating carbs can lead to weight gain. Lentils, legumes, organic wild-caught salmon or cod, or organic grass-fed beef are anti-inflammatory proteins that can help keep you full and nourish your body.

4. Ditch the Alcohol

Liquid calories from soda, sugary juices and alcohol help store belly fat. If you’re serious about losing body fat and losing weight, there’s no room for alcohol in your diet.

5. Remove Gluten and Dairy

Gluten and dairy are the most common food intolerances. Research suggests that going gluten free can reduce fatness, inflammation and insulin resistance. Food intolerances tend to raise stress hormones such as cortisol, and they can trigger inflammation.

6. Manage Stress

Chronic stress raises cortisol levels which can lead to weight gain, fat storage and the breakdown of muscles. Find a way to manage your stress, whether it’s through essential oil baths, yoga, meditation, exercise or a creative outlet.

7. Limit Fructose

Fructose is the most metabolically hurtful sugar. It doesn’t tell your brain when you’re full, so you still feel hungry and keep eating. Fructose goes straight to the liver where it creates fat and triggers insulin and leptin resistance, resulting in inflammation, a stressed liver and more visceral fat.

8. Get Enough Sleep

In order to burn visceral fat, the body needs 7 to 8.5 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Sleep keeps cortisol and insulin levels in check, so make sure you’re getting a good night’s rest on a regular basis.

9. Raise Adiponectin

Adiponectin works between fat cells and the brain. When levels are low, it can cause the body to store fat. The more adiponectin you have in your blood, the more body fat you can burn. To raise adiponectin, eat pistachios and pumpkin seeds, get at least 35 grams of fiber each day, and make sure you’re getting magnesium in your diet.

10. Consider a Mini Fast

Intermittent fasting works just as well as caloric restriction for the purpose of reducing visceral fat. Gottfried suggests an 18-hour window for women, and a 16-hour window for men.


Hirschsprung's illness is a wonderful condition that causes crap to wind up stuck in the internal parts. It for the most part effects infant kids and enthusiastic adolescents. 

Usually, the entrail on and on presses and extricates up to push crap along, a system controlled by your material structure. 

In Hirschsprung's affliction, the nerves that control this change are lost from a region toward the end of inside, which recommends crap can make and layout a blockage. 
This can accomplish convincing blocking, and discontinuously prompt a genuine inside corrupting called enterocolitis in the event that it's not saw and treated at an early stage. 
In any case, the condition is all things considered grabbed not long after birth and regarded with surgery at the most timely open entryway. 

Signs of Hirschsprung's infirmity 
Indications of the condition in an infant tyke include: 

  • neglect to pass meconium inside 48 hours – the weak, tar-like crap that solid adolescents pass not long after in the wake of being considered 
  • a swollen stomach 
  • flinging green liquid (bile) 
  • Signs in more settled newborn child adolescents and kids include: 
  • a swollen stomach and a tummy throb 
  • persevering watch that doesn't allude to change with the standard drugs 
  • not enabling unbelievable or putting on much weight 

On the off chance that your kid builds up an entrail ailment (enterocolitis), they may comparably have a high temperature (fever) and watery, spoiled the runs. 

Precisely when to get therapeutic bearing 

Visit your GP if your tyke builds up the signs outlined as of now. Hirschsprung's sullying can be totally genuine if left untreated, so it's essential to get help at the most dependable open entryway. 

On the off chance that your GP suspects the condition, they will recommend you to recovering office for tests to declare the determination. 

How Hirschsprung's ailment is inspected ?

Your tyke's tummy will for the most part be researched and every once in a while a rectal examination might be done. This is the spot an expert or efficient introduces a finger into the back segment (rectum) to feel for eccentricities. 

In the event that Hirschsprung's tribulation is suspected, a X-bar should be possible to show a blockage and bulge in inside. 

What causes Hirschsprung's illness? 

The muscles of the entrail are controlled by nerve cells called ganglion cells. In Hirschsprung's disease, these ganglion cells are lost from an area toward the end of gut, stretching out up from the butt, the opening in the base that crap encounters. 

For reasons unknown, the cells didn't make here when the infant was making in the womb. It's not clear why this happens, but rather it's not thought to be brought on by anything the mother did while she was pregnant. 

Diverse qualities are connected with Hirschsprung's ailment and it does every so often keep running in families. In the event that you've had a young with it some time starting late, will probably have another youngster with it. 

All youths with Hirschsprung's issue will require surgery. 

As they sit tight for surgery, they may need to: 

  • quit having milk backings and rather be given liquids direct into a vein 
  • have a tube encountered their nose and into their stomach to deplete away any liquid and air gathering in it 
  • have general inside washouts, where an unstable tube is embedded into their base and warm salt water is utilized to decrease and flush out the got stools 
  • take unfriendly to sickness administrators on the off chance that they have enterocolitis 


Most kids will have the "draw through" operation, where the influenced region of inside is evacuated and the staying sound scopes of entrail are joined together. This will generally speaking be done when they're around three months old. 

On the off chance that your youngster isn't all around okay to have this methodology – for case, since they have enterocolitis or a bona fide blockage – they may have it in two phases. 

A few days after birth, the master will have inside through a transitory opening (stoma) made in the tummy. This technique is known as a colostomy strategy.


This endogenous nucleoside is safe and effective in ending > 90% of re-entrant paroxysmal SVT. However, this is not the most common type of SVT in the critically ill patient.After an IV bolus effects are immediate (10–30 seconds), dose-related and transient (half-life < 10s; entirely eliminated from plasma in < 1 minute, being degraded by vascular endothelium and erythrocytes). Its elimination is not affected by renal/hepatic disease. Adenosine works faster and is superior to verapamil. It may be used in cardiac failure, in hypotension and with beta -blockers, in all of which verapamil is contraindicated.


It has both therapeutic and diagnostic uses:
• Alternative to DC cardioversion in terminating paroxysmal SVT, including those associated with WPW syndrome
• Determining the origin of broad complex tachycardia; SVT responds, VT does not (predictive accuracy 92%; partly because VT may occasionally respond).Though adenosine does no harm in VT, verapamil may produce hypotension or cardiac arrest


• Second- or third-degree heart block (unless pacemaker fitted)
• Sick sinus syndrome (unless pacemaker fitted)
• Asthmatic – may cause bronchospasm
• Patients on dipyridamole (drastically prolongs the half-life and enhances the effects of adenosine – may lead to dangerously prolonged highdegree AV block)


• Rapid IV bolus: 3mg over 1–2 seconds into a large vein, followed by rapid flushing with sodium chloride 0.9%
If no effect within 2 min, give 6mg
If no effect within 2 min, give 12mg
If no effect, abandon adenosine
Need continuous ECG monitoring
More effective given via a central vein or into right atrium

How not to use adenosine

• Without continuous ECG monitor


• Flushing (18%), dyspnoea (12%) and chest discomfort are the commonest side-effects but are well tolerated and invariably last < 1min.
• If given to an asthmatic and bronchospasm occurs, this may last up to 30 min (use aminophylline to reverse).


• AF or atrial flutter with accessory pathway (conduction down anomalous pathway may increase)
• Early relapse of paroxysmal SVT is more common than with verapamil but usually responds to further doses
• Adenosine’s effect is enhanced and extended by dipyridamole – if essential to give with dipyridamole, reduce initial dose to 0.5–1mg


Dexamethasone has very high glucocorticoid activity and insignificant mineralocorticoid activity, making it particularly suitable for conditions where water retention would be a disadvantage. Adjuvant corticosteroid has been shown to improve survival in Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia.


• Nausea
• Cerebral oedema
• Laryngeal oedema
• Adjunct in Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (see co-trimoxazole and pentamidine)
• Bacterial meningitis, particularly where pneumococcal suspected


Systemic infection (unless specific anti-microbial therapy given)


• Cerebral oedema
IV bolus: 8 mg initially, then 4 mg 6 hourly as required for 2–10 days
• Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
IV bolus: 8 mg 6 hourly 5 days, then dose reduced to complete 21 days of treatment
The steroid should be started at the same time as the co-trimoxazole or pentamidine and should be withdrawn before the antibiotic treatment is complete.

How not to use Dexamethasone

Do not stop abruptly after prolonged use (adrenocortical insufficiency)


Perineal irritation may follow IV administration of the phosphate ester
Prolonged use may also lead to the following problems:
• increased susceptibility to infections
• impaired wound healing
• peptic ulceration
• muscle weakness (proximal myopathy)
• osteoporosis
• hyperglycaemia


• Diabetes mellitus
• Concurrent use of NSAID (increased risk of GI bleeding)