Saturday 25 June 2016

How To Get Pregnant Fast – 8 Tips For Conception |

How To Get Pregnant Fast – 8 Tips For Conception | 

So, you’ve decided you’d like to get pregnant – that’s pretty exciting! Usually by the time a couple decides they are ready to try for a baby, they’re ready for it to happen right away. Unfortunately, there is no foolproof way to get pregnant fast, but you can significantly increase your chances of pregnancy by following these 8 tips for conception.

Tip #1: Have Sex Every Day

There is so much conflicting advice floating around about how often you should have sex when trying to conceive. While everyone agrees that lovemaking should not become monotonous baby making, having sex everyday can not only be great for your health but increase your chances of conception.
Fertility expert Dr. Andrew Orr says it’s important to ignore advice that suggests a man should ‘store’ his sperm. “Storing sperm or long intervals without ejaculation does not make the sperm better. It actually makes it worse. You need regular ejaculation to have good quality sperm. No if’s, no but’s – it is a fact!”

Tip #2: Have An Orgasm

While the female orgasm is not essential to conception, it certainly helps you to get pregnant.

Firstly, orgasm creates a more stable and protective environment in the vagina for the sperm. It also makes the muscles in the vagina contract to pull the sperm up – which has been coined the ‘upsuck’ theory. Also, orgasm releases hormones needed to initiate pregnancy – it helps to create the ideal environment for conception. So, what are you waiting for?!

I realise some women struggle with achieving orgasm, but rest assured, I have a resource you can try. Please be aware that the link goes straight to a video with strong sexual language, so please click in privacy. If you or your partner needs help with orgasm techniques, try the Jason Julius program which is SO easy to understand and follow. Both men and women can benefit from watching it – I certainly learned a great deal more about my body! But a warning, some people may find some of the language offensive. However if you can look past that, there are some great techniques and advice that are demonstrated in a tasteful way (on a dummy, not a real person). If I find something with more family friendly language, I will update my recommendation. But his tips are great, and you will certainly notice the difference in the bedroom!

Tip #3: Learn Ovulation Signs, What’s Normal and What’s Not

If you are aware of your cycle and when you are ovulating, you are more likely to be aware of your fertile window, and also, spot any problems that may need attention. For example, painful ovulation is not normal, and can be a symptom of a condition which can cause infertility.

Tip #4: Clean Up Your Diet

You’ll find no shortage of stories from couples who cleaned up their diet and promptly fell pregnant, even after experiencing difficulties falling pregnant. This is because some foods we eat contain disease and inflammation causing properties. Not only that, some foods we eat can cause an imbalance of hormones – including key fertility hormones.

Two big nasties to get rid of are sugar (including artificial sugar, which is worse than normal sugar) and grains, for example wheat. Dr Andrew Orr says: “Those extra chocolate bars and sugar drinks are increasing your insulin, which suppresses your hormones. Fact!”
So many foods we eat today are processed, and contain at least one or both of wheat and sugar, so it always pays to read labels. The fact that food actually has a label is a sign that it likely contains ingredients that aren’t ideal. Anything freshly picked, grown or hunted doesn’t need a label and is so much better for you.
Even drinks can be deceptively unhealthy and full of sugar, for example sports drinks, flavoured milks, juices and flavoured water. Pure, filtered water is the very best drink for your body, and a lack of it can impact how you feel and operate. Dr. Orr recommends that you also take electrolytes to assist with hydration, and he recommends “Endura”.

Tip #5: Get Enough Sleep

Not only can a lack of sleep leave you with a lowered libido and energy levels, but Danish researchers have now found that sleep deprived men are more likely to have fertility issues than those who are getting adequate sleep. The research states: “Sleep disturbances showed an inverse U-shaped association with sperm concentration, total sperm count, percent motile and percent morphologically normal spermatozoa, and testis size.”
While sleep isn’t a major risk for fertility issues, several health and lifestyle factors can be cumulative, so it’s best to improve on the things that you can control.
The researchers identified 7-8 hours of sleep to be associated with the lowest risk.

Tip #6: Get Rid Of Stress

“We all know that the number one cause of fertility issues is stress. No, you cannot go straight back to work after an embryo transfer (if doing IVF) and expect it to work. Learn to take time out, let go of control issues and relax more. If you can’t make time now, how are you going to make time for a baby that will need your time?” says Dr Orr.

According to research, high levels of stress can significantly reduce the probability of conception during a woman’s fertile window. Researchers took saliva samples from women and found that those with the highest levels of alpha-amylase (a known biomarker of stress) had a 29% lower chance of falling pregnant each month, compared to women with the lowest levels.

The research was led by Dr. Courtney Denning-Johnson Lynch, director of reproductive epidemiology at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus. She said: “For the first time, we’ve shown that this effect is potentially clinically meaningful, as it’s associated with a greater than two-fold increased risk of infertility among these women.”
Therefore, eliminating stress before trying to conceive may shorten the time you need to become pregnant.

Tip #7: Stop Smoking, Alcohol and Recreational Drugs

Smoking can not only hamper fertility for both men and women, but it can result in an increased risk of miscarriage.

Dr. Orr says that alcohol and recreational drugs can impact on both egg and sperm quality.

Tip #8: Get Regular Acupuncture and Take Your Herbs and Vitamins Regularly
“These combined can give you a 96.1% success rate. Fact! Acupuncture alone can increase your success by 61% and increase your chances of a successful live birth by 91%,” says Dr. Orr.
There is also plenty of research on acupuncture increasing the success rate

1 comment:

  1. After for about 8years, I started to think I may be having some infertility issues. I began taking different medical prescription for me to get pregnant and to ensure i produce a healthy baby, but all i do did not work out for me. i thought i may never get pregnant again, until i met this man called Shankiki he told me he is going to help me cast a spell that after 48 hours i will see result and as i speak to you right now i am with my own child his spell cast really worked for me thanks so much Dr Shankiki for i know there are people out there that still need your help just like you did for me. if you ever need the help from Dr shankiki, you can reach him through his mail too contact him today and see with your own eyes he is real
